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Choose your services

  • 4 x Spiritual Mediumship Wisdom Class

    Every month
    Ongoing subscription to our weekly sunday online classes, which is automatically renewed every 4 weeks. Please provide a valid e-mail, so I can send you the zoom link.
    • Every Sunday at 4pm GMT/ 11am EST 3 hours
  • Spiritual Mediumship Wisdom Class

    1 x Spiritual Mediumship Wisdom Class online. Please provide a valid e-mail, so I can send you the zoom link.
    Valid for one month
    • Every Sunday at 11am EST 3 hours
  • Private Reading

    45 min. online. Please provide a valid e-mail, so I can send you the zoom link.
    Valid for one month
    • Please contact me via e-mail, prior to the reading.
  • Trance Healing

    45 min. online. Please provide a valid e-mail, so I can send you the zoom link.
    Valid for one month
    • Please contact me via e-mail, prior to the session.
  • Astrological Counselling

    1 astrological reading of aprox. 90 minutes. Please provid a valid e-mail, so we can interchange the necessary informations.
    Valid for one month
    • Please contact me via e-mail, prior to the reading.
  • 4 x Trance Healing

    4 Trance Healing sessions. Please provide a valid e-mail, so I can send you the zoom link.
    Valid for 3 months
    • Please contact me via e-mail, prior to the sessions.
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